Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de enjoy

to enjoydisfrutar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I enjoyyo disfruto
you enjoytú disfrutas
he enjoysél disfruta
she enjoysella disfruta
we enjoynosotros disfrutamos
you enjoyvosotros disfrutáis
they enjoyellos disfrutan
they enjoyellas disfrutan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I enjoyedyo disfruté
you enjoyedtú disfrutaste
he enjoyedél disfrutó
she enjoyedella disfrutó
we enjoyednosotros disfrutamos
you enjoyedvosotros disfrutasteis
they enjoyedellos disfrutaron
they enjoyedellas disfrutaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have enjoyedyo he disfrutado
you have enjoyedtú has disfrutado
he has enjoyedél ha disfrutado
she has enjoyedella ha disfrutado
we have enjoyednosotros hemos disfrutado
you have enjoyedvosotros habéis disfrutado
they have enjoyedellos han disfrutado
they have enjoyedellas han disfrutado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had enjoyedyo había disfrutado
you had enjoyedtú habías disfrutado
he had enjoyedél había disfrutado
she had enjoyedella había disfrutado
we had enjoyednosotros habíamos disfrutado
you had enjoyedvosotros habíais disfrutado
they had enjoyedellos habían disfrutado
they had enjoyedellas habían disfrutado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will enjoyyo disfrutaré
you will enjoytú disfrutarás
he will enjoyél disfrutará
she will enjoyella disfrutará
we will enjoynosotros disfrutaremos
you will enjoyvosotros disfrutaréis
they will enjoyellos disfrutarán
they will enjoyellas disfrutarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have enjoyedyo habré disfrutado
you will have enjoyedtú habrás disfrutado
he will have enjoyedél habrá disfrutado
she will have enjoyedella habrá disfrutado
we will have enjoyednosotros habremos disfrutado
you will have enjoyedvosotros habréis disfrutado
they will have enjoyedellos habrán disfrutado
they will have enjoyedellas habrán disfrutado

I would enjoyyo disfrutaría
you would enjoytú disfrutarías
he would enjoyél disfrutaría
she would enjoyella disfrutaría
we would enjoynosotros disfrutaríamos
you would enjoyvosotros disfrutaríais
they would enjoyellos disfrutarían
they would enjoyellas disfrutarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have enjoyedyo habría disfrutado
you would have enjoyedtú habrías disfrutado
he would have enjoyedél habría disfrutado
she would have enjoyedella habría disfrutado
we would have enjoyednosotros habríamos disfrutado
you would have enjoyedvosotros habríais disfrutado
they would have enjoyedellos habrían disfrutado
they would have enjoyedellas habrían disfrutado

Participio presenteAnotado
enjoying disfrutando

Participio pasadoAnotado
enjoyed disfrutado

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